How to: Tips and Tricks

WordPress: modify the upload list of allowed file types

WordPress logo

When you attempt to upload a file in WordPress that is not in the default list of acceptable file types, you will receive the following error: File type does not meet security guidelines. Try another. While there’s no admin-based tool for editing list of allowed file types, it’s not at all difficult to add your own or remove any existing. More »

Ubuntu 9.10: compiling FFmpeg with x264

FFmpeg logo

FFmpeg is a versatile tool to encode and convert a multitude of video and audio formats. x264 encodes high-quality video superior to other popular encoders. Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) ships with a version of ffmpeg without libfaac and x264 support because of licensing issues. This means you will need to compile ffmpeg yourself. This guide explains how. More »

Download YouTube videos with youtube-dl

YouTube logoyoutube-dl is a small command-line program to download videos from It requires the Python interpreter, version 2.x (x being at least 4), and it's not platform specific. It should work in your Unix box, in Windows or in Mac OS X.

Install & using

1. install youtube-dl

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install youtube-dl

2. use this command to download files from YouTube

youtube-dl -o [name of output file] [YouTube URL]

3. To view all options youtube-dl, paste this in command line

man youtube-dl

To quit from manual press q key More »

Put Minimize, Maximize, Close buttons to the left in Ubuntu window

Default are Minimize/Maximize/Close buttons in the title bar on the right. This short tutorial shows you, how to put these icons to the left, like in Mac OS X.

1. Press ALT + F2, type in gconf-editor and press Enter key


2. Navigate to apps > metacity > general. On the right find option called button_layout

Button layout

3. Double click on the value menu:minimize,maximize,close and change it to


4. Look at your new titlebar :) It may look like this

Titlebar - icons left

Tip: You can remove unused buttons, or change their order. Just change the value to eg. close:menu or menu:close,minimize,maximize.

Easy converting PNG, JPG and other image formats to PDF

Easiest way to convert over 100 image formats to PDF is using ImageMagick. To install type in terminal:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Convert image to pdf:

convert source.png target.pdf

Merge all images in folder to one PDF file:

convert *.jpg target.pdf

For more info enter

convert -man

Convert .nrg (Nero image) to .iso file in Ubuntu

If you want to convert .nrg file to .iso file you can use nrg2iso tool to create this. nrg2iso is a program that extracts ISO9660 data from Nero “.nrg” CD-ROM image files.

Install nrg2iso in Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install nrg2iso

More »

4 easiest ways to install LAMP server on Ubuntu

In this guide I will show you the easiest way, how to install a LAMP server. LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. There are many methods to install LAMP, for example the standart one see this howto for ubuntu: Howto: Install LAMP and phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu

Method One (using Terminal)

Under Terminal type command:

sudo tasksel

Select LAMP server and hit OK

Tasksel - select LAMP server

If prompted, insert new root password for the MySQL

Tasksel - root password for MySQL

More »

Easy mounting ISO images in Ubuntu

Gmount-iso is a small tool written using PyGTK and Glade. It allows you to easily mount your cd images. This is a frontend to the mount -o loop -t iso9660 foo.iso /mountpoint command.

To install open terminal and type the following command

sudo apt-get install gmountiso

The application is available from Applications > System Tools > Gmount-iso.

Once it opens, you can specify your .iso file and mountpoint, where you want to mount. Then click on the Mount button. If prompted, enter your password.


To unmount, just select your mount point from Mounted Images and click on Unmount.

Disable 60 seconds delay notification in Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic)

This tutorial shows how to disable 60 seconds delay notification when logout, shutdown and restart Ubuntu 9.10.

First,press Alt+F2 and type gconf-editor. Click Run.

Run application ALT F2

Navigate to apps > Indicator-session. Double click on the only line in right box and set its value to true.

Disable 60 seconds delay notification (apps - indicator-session)
