How to: Tips and Tricks

Quick Setup fresh installed Ubuntu with Ailurus

Ailurus logo

Ailurus is an application which aims at making Linux easier to use.


  • Help users study some Linux skills
  • Install/remove some applications which are not provided in the official repository
  • Enable/disable some third party repositories
  • Display information about BIOS, motherboard, CPU and battery
  • Show/Hide Computer, Home folder, Trash icon and Network icon on desktop
  • Configure Nautilus thumbnail cache
  • Configure Nautilus context menu
  • Configure Window behavior
  • Configure GNOME auto-start applications
  • Show/Hide GNOME splash screen

Ailurus can be used in:

Fedora 10 – 12
Ubuntu/KUbuntu/XUbuntu 8.04 – 9.10
Mint 5 – 8 More »

Put Home, Computer, Network, Trash icons on Gnome Desktop

To add these icons on Your desktop is simple. Here's how to do it.

Open up the Run dialog box by pressing ALT and F2 keys, then type gconf-editor and click on the Run button (or hit Enter). If prompted, enter your password to proceed.

Run Application dialog: gconf-editor

The Configuration Editor will open up. Navigate to Apps > Nautilus > Desktop from the left menu.

Then on the right hand side place a check against the icons you want to see displayed on the desktop. You can display the Computer, Home, Trash and Network icons from in here. More »

Empty Ubuntu Gnome Trash in command line

If you cannot empty your trash, then open terminal and use this command:

WARNING: this method will delete all the contents without prompt any warning!!!

rm -r ~/.local/share/Trash/files/*

Simple Ubuntu install script

To customise and set Ubuntu's clean installation, add some programs You can create simple script which can do for example:

  • add favorite repositories and PPA
  • uninstall unnecessary software
  • install new programs
  • add network drives in fstab
  • run the VPN client
  • attach drives from fstab
  • do a few fix (umountcifs problem, turn off pc speaker and welcome sound)

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Ubuntuzilla repository – Easy way to install Firefox, Thunderbird and Seamonkey in Ubuntu

If you want to install newest Mozilla products in Ubuntu, you do so using Ubuntuzilla script. But there is a new and faster way to install and update your Firefox. You can use Ubuntuzilla repository and install updates using Synaptic following these steps: 1. First, existing users Ubuntuzilla should first remove Firefox, Thunderbird or Seamonkey using Ubuntuzilla -a remove -p firefox -a remove -p thunderbird -a remove -p seamonkey

2. It is recommended, that you back up your Firefox user profile (located by default in /home/USERNAME/.mozilla/)

3. Add the GPG Key

sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver C1289A29

4. Add repository for Ubuntuzilla Ubuntu Juanty (9.04), Ubuntu Karmic (9.10) and later

echo -e "\ndeb all main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null

Ubuntu Interpid (8.10), Ubuntu Hardy (8.04) and Earlier

echo -e "\ndeb all main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null

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